Create Item Styles.
We need seven styles.
Style Name
Some special top edge. E.g. rounded corners.
Some special bottom edge. E.g. rounded corners.
Styling first-level items without submenu.
Styling first-level items with submenu.
Styling second-level items without submenu.
Styling second-level items with submenu.
Styling third-level items.
Create images* for our styles and save it in the AcrdMenu folder.
Image Size
File Name
169 x 3
For Top style
169 x 3
For Bottom style
169 x 30
For Level-1 style normal state
169 x 30
For Level-1 style mouse over state
169 x 30
For Level-1-arrow style normal state
169 x 30
For Level-1-arrow style mouse over state
169 x 27
For Level-2 and Level-3 styles normal state
169 x 27
For Level-2 and Level-3 styles mouse over state
169 x 27
For Level-2-arrow style normal state
169 x 27
For Level-2-arrow style mouse over state
* you can use any graphic formats usually supporting by the web browsers.
Switch to the All Styles Tab.
Create Top Style.
1. |
Press Create New Style button |
2. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Top" and press OK button. |
4. |
Select Cursor as default. |
5. |
Set Normal Bg color as Transparent. |
6. |
Set Over Bg color as Transparent. |
7. |
Set Current Bg color as Transparent. |
8. |
Turn Bg Images check box on. |
9. |
Select Normal Bg image box and browse top.gif file by using Browse button. After file is selected you'll get a message: Press Yes button. |
10. |
Select Over Bg image box and browse top.gif file by using Browse button. |
11. |
Select Current Bg image box and browse top.gif file by using Browse button. |
Create Bottom Style.
1. |
Press Create New Style button. NOTE: Every new style that you add into a list has all the parameters of the currently selected style. This case recently created Top style. |
2. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Bottom" and press OK button. As our Bottom style is a copy of the Top style we only need to change those of the parameters which are different. Namely: |
3. |
Select Normal Bg image box and browse bottom.gif file by Browse button. |
4. |
Select Over Bg image box and browse bottom.gif file by Browse button. |
5. |
Select Current Bg image box and browse bottom.gif file by Browse button. |
Create Level-1 Style.
1. |
Press Create New Style button. |
2. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Level-1" and press OK button. Now Level-1 style has the parameters of the Bottom style, thus we need to make necessary changes |
5. |
Select Cursor as pointer. |
6. |
Set Text Normal color as #FFFFFF |
7. |
Set Text weight as Bold by pressing button. |
8. |
Set Text Over color as #24ACCE. |
9. |
Set Text Current color as #BBBBBB. |
10. |
Select Normal Bg image box and browse level-1.gif file by Browse button. After file is selected you'll get a message. Press Yes button. |
11. |
Select Over Bg image box and browse level-1-over.gif file by Browse button. |
12. |
Select Current Bg image box and browse level-1.gif file by Browse button. |
Create Level-1-arrow Style.
1. |
Press Create New Style button. |
2. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Level-1-arrow" and press OK button. |
3. |
Select Normal Bg image box and browse level-1-arrow.gif file by Browse button. |
4. |
Select Over Bg image box and browse level-1-arrowover.gif file by Browse button. |
5. |
Select Current Bg image box and browse level-1-arrow.gif file by Browse button. |
Create Level-2 Style.
1. |
Press Create New Style button. |
2. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Level-2" and press OK button. |
5. |
Set Text Normal color as #68838B. |
6. |
Set Text weight as Normal by pressing button. |
7. |
Set Text Over color as #FFFFFF. |
8. |
Select Normal Bg image box and browse level-2.gif file by Browse button. After file is selected you'll get a message. Press Yes button. |
9. |
Select Over Bg image box and browse level-2-over.gif file by Browse button. |
10. |
Select Current Bg image box and browse level-2.gif file by Browse button. |
Create Level-2-arrow Style.
1. |
Press Create New Style button. |
2. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Level-2-arrow" and press OK button. |
3. |
Select Normal Bg image box and browse level-2-arrow.gif file by Browse button. |
4. |
Select Over Bg image box and browse level-2-arrowover.gif file by Browse button. |
5. |
Select Current Bg image box and browse level-2-arrow.gif file by Browse button. |
Create Level-3 Style.
1. |
Select Level-2 Style in the style combo box. |
2. |
Press Create New Style button. |
3. |
Change default style name "AcrdMenu2" to "Level-3" and press OK button. |
5. |
Set Text Normal color as #24ACCE. |
Congratulations! All styles are created.
How to create CSSMenuTools Accordion Menu Advancer structure see Step 4.